Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mom, I Forgot To Ask...

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.

I can't help how I feel on this day, but I also can't help but find some happiness in sharing such a good relationships with my mother for the time I had.
  • I do miss our Thursday Survivor nights.
  • I miss the Far Side One-a-Day cartoons she would put in with birthday cards.
  • I miss the ravioli she would over cook.
  • I miss her potentially blasphemous response to a variety of things that might have annoyed her - "Jesus God!".
  • I miss the defensive mother who declared my 4th grade spelling bee championship downfall word Iodine as stupid.
  • I miss her ranting about the Vermont State Park of the Year award (that they won her last year at Coolidge State Park).
  • I miss her exasperated nasal sigh when I would break too late at a traffic light.
  • I miss the Chinese buffet and our subsequent complaining about stomach aches afterwards.
  • I miss her birthday and x-mas celebrations that she put so much into as if we were still 8 years old.
  • I miss hearing that I was her favorite. (never confirmed but come on!)
  • I miss her incessant worrying about Ebola, airplane food, cave ventilation, Toyota recalls, the cancellation of Arrested Development, my sister (you know who you are), Aspartame, George W. Bush and people who carve their initials into trees.
  • I miss her pronouncing MaLe like Count Dracula
  • I miss telling her about dangerous things and getting the "you're nuts" response.
  • I miss the 5 second phone calls to remind me to Tivo things
  • I miss the mother who loved each of her children equally
  • I miss the wacky, joyful, lovable person who changed all throughout her life and always for the better
  • I miss my mom
And I thought about something the other day I had never thought before.

I wondered - Did you miss your mom every day like I do?

Just wondering. I forgot to ask.


  1. The answer is no, I take so much for granted. You never know what you have until you wake up and it is gone one morning unless someone shares their pain with you and forces you to reflect. Awakening tears this Sunday morning. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Take care Pete.

  2. I miss mine everyday, too.

  3. Hey Pete,
    I really enjoy reading your blog. Great photo of you and your Mom. She always made me feel like part of your family. I hope you know that you, your sisters, and Bill are not the only people who miss her. I worry about aspertame too.

  4. My mom is in Ecuador, and I miss her. I remember when I was in VT Janey made me feel like an adopted child, with many nice details that i'll never forget. (like having an extra blanket during survivor's nights). I miss your mom, too.

  5. of course it was 85 degrees when you asked for the extra blanket. But she gave it to you anyway.

  6. I miss your mother every single day!

  7. A beautiful tribute to your mom, Pete... made me teary. I miss my parents every single day, especially my dad because I was just getting to know him better. When I see someone about his age, I think of him. I sometimes still think, "I need to ask Dad about that".
    My mother left this world at age 56; she was a wonderful woman and way ahead of her time.
    I see my parents in my siblings; it's why I love being with them as much as possible.
