And I was lucky enough to have taken a fascinating eco safari with Mr. Corradino. I met Pete about five years ago in Vermont. I did one of his wildlife camps and learned almost every thing I know about nature from that camp. I did that camp for three more years until Pete moved back to Florida. Ever since then I have been wanting to visit him and go on one of his eco tours. Well this spring break I got a chance to. (all photos by Owen - 4/23/08)
(Pete, Owen and his brother Trevor)
On this tour I saw many things. One of my favorite things I saw all of the alligators. On the whole tour we must have seen at least ( or what felt like) 150 alligators. It was unbelievable.
Also we saw the smallest post office in the united states. At first I thought it was a joke, it was so small and then I read the plaque and saw the lady that was inside. I also saw the mangrove islands, which was extremely interesting. The mangrove islands are made up of only mangrove trees, no land at all. The cool thing about it is that the islands can only grow bigger, which means that the mangroves are for ever (unless people find a way to build resorts and condos on them). We also saw lots of birds (little blue heron great blue heron, etc.). The funnest thing we did was the fanboat ride. Everything about it was fun, even the noise. Everywhere you looked there was alligators, at least five in every cluster, all good size. On that boat ride we also saw 1,800 year old canoes, from the Seminole Indians; very fascinating. (Actually a Calusa canoe!)
Overall, the eco safari I took with Pete Corradino was a fun experience that I will never forget.